Colossians 3:16

For every ONE CD you order through our website, you will cover the entire purchase of CDs for THREE recovering addicts in the rehabs we will minister. What a blessing and encouragement that would be to help provide the Word of God set to music to these men and ladies in the midst of their recovery program! We are asking you to please pray about making this small investment in the Kingdom of God.

To be part of the 3-for-1 challenge, please order your CD at the regular price of $15. And as always, we praise God for your prayers, support and partnership in this ministry!

Colossians 3:16

(2015 by Commandment 11)

For every ONE CD you order through our website, you will cover the entire purchase of CDs for THREE recovering addicts in the rehabs we will minister. What a blessing and encouragement that would be to help provide the Word of God set to music to these men and ladies in the midst of their recovery program! We are asking [...]

Buy $ 9.99